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Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Winky Hurts!

Finn! Buddy! Pal! I love it here so much. I get to do my two favorite things A LOT, play and snuggle. I could do both all day long. But, I have to tell you ya big lug, the past couple of days have been a little rough on me. I went to what mom calls "dirtball" camp and I couldn't really tell her or any of the other nice people I met that night whether I just licked myself a bunch in my crate before she got home or if it was my allergies but my winky was SO BIG and hurt so bad. You were totally right. Mom took one look at it when she was wiping me off like she always does and started picking up her hanging thing and those jingly toys that open the door. I heard her tell someone on that flat thing she yaps on all day that she didn't blame anyone; that I am "sensitive" and she's learning allergic to everything.

My winky burned so much that I didn't want to walk at all. She picked me up and carried me to the door but I still couldn't bring myself to walk. Mom carried me down all three flights of stairs and a block away to get me to our car. I just hung out in her arms and looked at her when she put me down for a second to let her know it hurt too bad to pee too. We went to this place and man, was it crowded. There were so many dogs but I just wasn't up to saying hi to anyone. This one guy there kept scratching me real hard on my head and telling everyone his dog broke his foot before then had to come back because he ate his cast. I don't know what a cast is but I don't think I'd like to eat it. I like beef and fish and that's about it.

Then, there were these nice ladies who spoke to me in Spanish. It made me so happy that I tried to wiggle for them like I usually do but it made my winky feel bad again so I laid down. It was not fun at all to lay on that cold, hard floor. I usually get to snuggle on the couch or our warm bed with all the pillows. I was so scared and cold that I was shivering so mom sat on the floor with me. It helped some but then another nice lady brought our mom a blanket for me. She wrapped me up like one of those burritos people like to eat and that made me feel okay enough to sleep a little. EVERYONE kept disappearing and it started getting quiet. I kept wondering what the heck I was doing there and why my winky hurt so bad.

These other sweet girls sat on the floor with me too some of the time. They both held my head in their hands and smooched me on the face, a lot. I liked it so much, I kissed them back. If I felt better, I would have danced for them. I rarely turn down a chance to boogie but last night, I was not feeling it. Those girls talked about their dog Zoe, I just know I would have liked her if I met her. The big, cold room was empty when some lady who looked real tired came out and said my name. Our mom jumped up. She was so happy and I thought we got to go home to snuggle but they laid me on a SUPER cold table that was way up high. They said Zoe had to stay the night, I let our mom know I did not want to do that. She hugged me real tight to let me know she didn't either.

The worst part was I had to go away from mom and they touched my winky with this wet thing. I yelped! It stung so much. Then, they left me, can you believe it? Did you ever go to such an awful place? I hope not! But, they came back super fast and said something about "pain medication". I woke up with this stupid thing around my neck and and my tummy felt so icky. Everyone looked blurry. I thought I saw mom but I tried to stand up, I fell back down again. I never wanted to feel like that again. I heard some stuff I couldn't understand and fell back asleep for while.

Then, there was our mom again. She looked tired. She carried me into the car, up the stairs and into bed. It was so awesome to be home. I fell right asleep. Boy, did I miss that warm bed! Mom started moving around so soon. But I just wanted to sleep. She let me stay on the bed until I had to go in my house with that cone. It sucked SO BAD! But, then my new friend Lela came over to snuggle, I like her a lot. She laughed at me before when I was playing with my squeaky toy and she's real nice. I liked being carried around so much that I was hoping mom would do it again when we went for our walks. But she said I was too heavy for that and put this orange thing on me that was big enough it would have fit you and used this handle so I didn't have to walk all by myself. It wasn't my favorite like playing and snuggles but it was cool to be outside again and see some of my doggie friends. No one seemed to notice my red winky and it's feeling much better.

I even got to say hi to the nice people on our walks this morning and chase my squeaky toys at the tennis court. My winky still itches a lot and I want to lick it so bad all the time. Mom won't let me. And, I hope I never have to go to that place again, ever. Our mom has been extra nice to me and giving me extra snuggles and treats so I wouldn't say it's all bad. I FINALLY get a break from that stupid thing on my neck! Gotta run and lay on my back for awhile before mom makes me put it on again.


1 comment:

mellen said...

OH Sweet Lovie- that is just HORRIBLE!!! Of ALL places for that to happen, ugh. There is no doubt your Momma is taking extra special good care of you and don't worry about the cone of shame, everyone has to wear it sometime ;)
I sure hope you are feeling better- gotta be 100% for that upcoming stay at Canine Crews ya know.